Gekijô-ban Naruto: Daikôfun! Mikazukijima no animaru panikku dattebayo! 2006

Animation Action Adventure

Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, and Rock Lee are assigned to protect Michiru, the prince of the Land of the Moon, while he travel the world. The prince purchased a tiger Sham and the whole circus, which became the team's protection.

All Titles
  • JP: Gekijô-ban Naruto: Daikôfun! Mikazukijima no animaru panikku dattebayo! Gekijô-ban Naruto: Daikôfun! Mikazukijima no animaru panikku dattebayo!
  • FR: Naruto: Panique sur l'île du croissant de lune Naruto: Panique sur l'île du croissant de lune
  • DE: Naruto - The Movie 3 - Die Hüter des Sichelmondreiches Naruto - The Movie 3 - Die Hüter des Sichelmondreiches
  • IT: Naruto il film: I guardiani del Regno della Luna Crescente Naruto il film: I guardiani del Regno della Luna Crescente
  • RU: Наруто: Грандиозный переполох Наруто: Грандиозный переполох
  • ES: Naruto La Película 3 ¡La gran excitación! Pánico animal en la isla de la Luna Naruto La Película 3 ¡La gran excitación! Pánico animal en la isla de la Luna
  • US: Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
  • JP: Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
Released 08 Nov 2008
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