Gorilla Bathes at Noon 1993


A major of Red Army is late for the train that takes Soviet's forces from Berlin. He telephones to Moscow and finds out that his wife has left him and that someone has moved in his ...

All Titles
  • --: Gorilla Bathes at Noon Gorilla Bathes at Noon
  • GR: O gorilas kanei banio to mesimeri O gorilas kanei banio to mesimeri
  • HU: A gorilla délben fürdik A gorilla délben fürdik
  • IT: Il gorilla fa il bagno a mezzanotte Il gorilla fa il bagno a mezzanotte
  • PL: Goryle kapia sie w poludnie Goryle kapia sie w poludnie
  • PT: Berlim Berlim
  • RU: Горилла купается в полдень Горилла купается в полдень
  • RS: Gorila se kupa u podne Gorila se kupa u podne
  • TR: Goril Öglen Yikanir Goril Öglen Yikanir
  • --: Gorilla Bathes at Noon Gorilla Bathes at Noon
Released 11 Feb 1993
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