Ying chun ge zhi Fengbo 1973

Action Drama

Lee Khan, a high official under Mongolian Emperor Yuan of the Yuan dynasty (year 1366) procures the battle map of the Chinese rebel Chu Yuan-Chang's army. Rebel spies, aided by treachery within Khan's ranks, strive to corner him in an inn.

All Titles
  • TW: Ying chun ge zhi Fengbo Ying chun ge zhi Fengbo
  • FR: L'auberge du printemps L'auberge du printemps
  • HK: Ying chung gok ji fung boh Ying chung gok ji fung boh
  • SE: Lee Khans öde Lee Khans öde
  • TW: Der letzte Kampf des Lee Khan Der letzte Kampf des Lee Khan
  • TW: The Fate of Lee Khan The Fate of Lee Khan
Released 06 Dec 1973
Links IMDb
